Although susceptibility to cardiovascular disease (CVD) is different for every patient, why some patients with…
eabramovichMay 25, 2020
Tracing the lineage history of cells is key to answering diverse and fundamental questions in…
eabramovichMay 22, 2020
Oxidation of cysteines by reactive oxygen species (ROS) initiates thermogenesis in brown and beige adipose…
eabramovichMay 18, 2020
This work addresses the toxic effects of the protein amyloid on the mitochondrial calcium homeostasis…
eabramovichMay 14, 2020
This publication is the first comprehensive quantitative proteomics study of extracellular vesicles (EV) isolated from…
eabramovichMay 12, 2020
The nuclear envelope (NE) undergoes dynamic remodeling to maintain NE integrity, a process involving the…
eabramovichMay 7, 2020
The role of non-neuronal cells in Alzheimer’s disease progression has not been fully elucidated. Using…
eabramovichMay 5, 2020
This paper addresses the mechanism for a mutational process called the chromosome breakage-fusion-bridge cycle (BFB…
eabramovichApril 30, 2020