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A 14-Year Incubation

By March 16, 2023No Comments

Sam Wattrus came to Harvard as an undergraduate thinking he would study chemistry. But he took an introductory course in human developmental and regenerative biology (HDRB) when it was a new interdisciplinary concentration in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Now, 14 years after the concentration’s creation, Wattrus ’16, Ph.D. ’22, finds himself in a full-circle moment — as the first alum to establish an independent lab.

“The Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology (HSCRB) Department [the home for the concentration] does an excellent job of training scientists in the ways that they teach and test material,” he said. “They give you data and a scenario and ask you to design an experiment as you would in the lab. It’s open-ended, so you must understand the concepts and apply them. It’s liberating and teaches students how to actually do science.”