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Science Events in Boston

Stay up-to-date with all of the life science events taking place in the Greater Boston area with the Science in Boston events calendar! From academia to industry and biotech to pharma, our events calendar is your complete source for life science conferences, symposiums, networking, and workshops in Boston. We even cover science pub nights and science fundraisers!

If you’re interested in promoting your life science event on the Science in Boston events calendar, please use our event submission form.

MIT Neurotech 2020


The Neurotech 2020 symposium presents virtual talks by neurotechnology pioneers whose cutting-edge innovations are changing the face of neurobiological research from molecules to cognition. The symposium is open to the...

MIT Neurotech 2020


The Neurotech 2020 symposium presents virtual talks by neurotechnology pioneers whose cutting-edge innovations are changing the face of neurobiological research from molecules to cognition. The symposium is open to the...

MIT’s Brains on Brains


Join us for a special virtual symposium featuring plenty of opportunities for questions, discussion, and discovery, designed for a non-technical audience. Register Now

MIT’s Brains on Brains


Join us for a special virtual symposium featuring plenty of opportunities for questions, discussion, and discovery, designed for a non-technical audience. Register Now

Microglia and Myelin: Improved Tools for Their Study and Molecular Interactions Between Them


Join via Zoom:  Password: microglia   Abstract: Myelination of axons evolved in vertebrates to promote signal transduction and the development of a compact and energy-efficient nervous system. Myelin development and homeostasis are critical for normal...

Microglia and Myelin: Improved Tools for Their Study and Molecular Interactions Between Them


Join via Zoom:  Password: microglia   Abstract: Myelination of axons evolved in vertebrates to promote signal transduction and the development of a compact and energy-efficient nervous system. Myelin development and homeostasis are critical for normal...